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I posted this CID in a previous thread and I found (a slightly modified version of) it useful again today: > It's a proof of concept for playback of deterministic YouTube data. (It's incomplete because the audio will desync if you skip forward or backwards in the video.) Most downloaded YouTube videos aren't deterministic because each stream file is combined into an audio+video file. Each audio-only file and video-only file from YouTube is deterministic, and combining them makes it some random hash. (Most users combine them because it's more useful to have a video file like that.) "More importantly", since YouTube has further blocked TOR IP addresses from downloading .info.json, I haven't really been downloading them (didn't feel like having certain IP addresses in those text files). That means that I don't have the comments+whatever on some videos that I downloaded. Above, I posted: > ...ip=$(cat ~/ipv6)... However, that doesn't really work because my IPv6 addresses rotate/change like every day. Perhaps sometimes they change multiple times in one day. My IPv4 addresses stayed fairly constant and it kinda felt like I had a static IPv4 address for a time: changes once every ~4 years (didn't really keep track of that). The fix for this is a regex which matches percent-encoded and normal IPv6 addresses in general. Not great if looking at the whole text file, so another solution is using some thing which determines my current IPv6 IP then put that into a variable and replace that in the JSON. Organization takes a long time. I spent 1 hour and 45 minutes, and added names to 51 out of 121 main folders in mfs:.../torrents/by_name/ (which is similar to mfs:.../torrents/by_infohash). It was some type of progress to do this because some of those torrents are vague as to what they are. > >recent posts in /chat/ thread I think that artist is called "tjpones": that artwork or clop is more on the mental side of porn with text, dialogue, a story, and such. ---- BTW, in latest Lubuntu, I removed the dm/wm and replaced it with i3wm; volume up/down seems to be gone (and hardware buttons on the keyboard don't work to do that), so I'm using this: > $ pamixer -d 5 # decrease volume > $ pamixer -i 5 # increase volume image=pfp