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But what is "culture"? Definitions are important. From !wt:
> 1. The arts, customs, lifestyles, background and habits that characterize humankind, or a particular society or nation.
> 2. The beliefs, values, behaviour and material objects that constitute a people's way of life.
> 3. The conventional conducts and ideologies of a community; the system comprising the accepted norms and values of a society.

> Culture is the set of peculiar and irrational practices that any given group of people practice. For the Sambia tribe of Africa, culture may be fellatio of an older tribesman as a rite of passage for boys, while here, culture is neurotically listening to "local" bands and mutilating male genitals upon birth. Culture was formerly known as the "pursuit of the best of what is thought and said in the world," but now we're to the point where we have to flagellate ourselves in penance for daring to think that any cultural trait could be "better" than any other.
> Now there's nothing I could say here about religion that hasn't already been said too many times in YouTube comments, but loosely, religion is the set of cultural beliefs that are most recalcitrant and immune to diffusion. Religion widely entails anthropic consciousnesses governing the universe and afterlifes where everyone's supposed to get what's comin' for them.
> The word "politics" describes the social interchanges that are the direct heirs of the simian alpha-male contest. Along with sports and religion, politics is a special place where anyone can come and feel free to abandon reason and orgiastically give into all of their most primal and otherwise derisible tendencies and irrationalities. Here I pretend not to like to write about it.

Here's a cultural artifact (attached): Darth Maul about to behead Twilight Sparkle. Description from webpage:
> [...]"Just hand over the holocrons hoarded in your library, and no one gets hurt."