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This is an Episode that is fresher in my memory than a lot of Season 1. I once was working on a fan fic with the CMC and certain moments have always been a subject of interest for me from it regardless (like even earlier in this thread!).

Still, it has been awhile since I've seen it and some things I did forgot. How did this viewing affect my opinion? Nothing negative. I think this Episode is still of a fair quality albeit hard to top the previous episodes. I liked the sequence of Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle all trying to help Apple Bloom in their own way. Apple Bloom's character is strong here. She feels like a real child character as opposed to an adult in a child's body with less anatomy and I think this feat is even more impressive when you consider that the adults in this show have that innocence to them to varying degrees.

My favorite of the helping sequences is Pinkie Pie's. The cupcake's song is a cute little tune. Though I found humor in them all. Next fav in order is: Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and then Applejack's. Applejack's had more substance to the humor than Twilight brief attempt to magic up cutie marks but I still have more fun at Twilight trying to begrudgingly alter the natural flow of nature!

This is one of the episode's that I see some say Twilight was shoehorned in but I disagree and I think her explaining the lesson from watching from afar was both slightly touching and stronger delivery than if the CMC had spelled it out (Season 2 style) or if there had been no friendship letter (most of show). As for the lessons content, bully dynamic, friends and peer pressure, I find my mind a little empty on what to say other than I enjoyed and think the story is fine (I could go into real world shortcomings and usefulness but eh, I am more in just watching my dump pony show mood).

7/10. I was thinking this would be a 6 but nope, it did cross just barely over to a 7.