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Or otherwise known as, "Odds and Ends."
Alright, already went into detail on this all the way back here: >>/8898/ but these two characters still dominated my mind. There whole existence was just as placeholders and were barely/never used again (Archer I know was used at least once or twice, but I don't know on Sun Gl3mmer--yes, bypassing our longstanding filter with this spelling). There is a certain level of undue haunted fascination with such a thing for me! There is just part of me that wants to make fan fiction/art/elaborate schizo posting.
The obvious in universe explanation is that Sun Umbridge/Gl3mmer/GIimmer was replaced metaphysically by Sweetie Belle! Archer escaped this fate by being an Earth Pony, and Scootaloo, being meant to replace an earth pony is the reason why she doesn't have fully developed wings and can't fly well.
Hehehe, yeah, enough craziness for now. Some of these concepts though could be fun. I will be referring to this pair of mostly discarded background ponies kidnapped or otherwise missing ponies in the future.
As for anything else:
> Twilight brief attempt to magic up cutie marks but I still have more fun at Twilight trying to begrudgingly alter the natural flow of nature!
Mean this unironically. Twilight Sparkle should be more than cable of putting a fake mark on a flank if that is all she was doing.
The adults laughing along/softly abetting Diamond Tiara's behavior at the party does feel slightl weird though. In this case, it was just background ponies laughing along a bit. Maybe I'll headcanon it to older teens. Mane 6 themselves seem more ignorant or not caring of the bullying, but never in a way (that I can recall?) being more then ignorance. Twilight Sparkle arguably did see some of it here (though might have only noticed when Sweetie and Scoots did stand up for Apple Bloom and thus would've had no reason to intervene) . The crowd changes at a drop of a hat when Scoootaloo and Sweetie Belle defend Apple Bloom, we see this in latter episodes where ponies often rush in seemingly immature ways and I've always liked the idea that was "herd mentality" of the race, rather than everypony being just jerks and it would make some sense. I guess I'll have to watch more episodes before I can decide how much of at fault anypony is here though.
"I wish I could be a scientist." Is interesting throwaway line, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle having swayed the crowd towards Apple Bloom and convincing them (however briefly for one episode) being a blank flank is cool. Can a pony be unhappy with their Cutie Mark? ( I lean towards no) but in this overthinking mode it is something I can think about. I recall seeing this in some fanfics way back in the earlier days (2011, 2012) but I don't remember much of anything about them.