> Tpa Index Error
Next "crappy video" not in TPA:
. 2013 video from small channel "Evil Sweetie Belle" https://inv.nadeko.net/channel/UCUQXz9Xqd1Vm1uDThMHyxHw
.. bio/desc: "...My life is worthless now with me nearly killing my sister...It's all my fault... \-------------------------------------------\Name:Sweetie Belle\\\Gender: Mare\\\Species: Unicorn\\\Eyes color: Dark Green\\\Mane Color:Dark Purple and Grayish Pink\\\Coat: Greyish White\\\Home(Location): Carousel Boutique in Ponyville\\\Work:Get rid of everypony that left me...\\\Cutie mark:Black Heart with Red music notes"
> NoFetch IPFS gateway
> $ ipfs config --json Routing.AcceleratedDHTClient --bool true
> $ ipfs config --json Routing.AcceleratedDHTClient --bool false
Ah, that's not right; it's this:
> $ ipfs config --json Gateway.NoFetch --bool true # false
*details on Lokinet darkweb
> ipfs://QmcNRDkVLN1WNRfnmQEEg8zJQyZGqSmnsTXmtHRxb58yPF
That's the WARC file, meant to post the parent index:
> http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion:8080/ipfs/bafkreih5nbzxzx2mtoeafner6sxb3aoamgvnj5jruj7vqe2hsqahqwflka?filename=.txt