WARC of Evil Sweetie Belle (YouTube channel):
> Main CID:
> {"Name":"1728887291-https---inv.nadeko.net-channel-UCUQXz9Xqd1Vm1uDThMHyxHw.ipfs.txt","Hash":"bafkreihxmiq4p4hp2gkpatywnci5pqrsx6zyhqisgu66lylvjbj33kpbua","Size":"666"}
> {"Name":"1728887921-https---github.com-yt-dlp-yt-dlp-releases-latest-download-yt-dlp.ipfs.txt","Hash":"bafkreia7tt2hsmzfp7fmuyyvhgnv3lao62oc26zy3jumiqiqewuprzg7pa","Size":"703"}
Both created by arc.sh, which now also has arcnop.sh and arcnos.sh (see GitHub); all three create non-recursive wget WARCs, diffs:
. arc.sh: span hosts + page requisites; usage: download a single page and everything in it
. arcnos.sh: no span hosts + page requisites; usage: download a single page and only single-server resources
. arcnop.sh: span hosts + no page requisites; usage: download a single page and like nothing else
> Wayback Machine non-functional
Was completely offline for 3.5 days: maybe the longest downtime in the past 6 years. The version of my YT channel downloader that I use relies on WBM being online (at least read only), so I didn't download YT channels in the past 3 days. I could have used the version of it that relies on IPFS, but that's not "lockless" (if the ipfs daemon is offline); so I didn't use it. Downloading channel https://inv.nadeko.net/channel/UCU2LAPMZ5_4JDXIe2AXClaA - includes this video which "isn't a crappy video":
> /zc/youtube/SanKE_UCU2LAPMZ5_4JDXIe2AXClaA.partial/My_Little_Pony_singing_Loca_People-SanKE-20181014-youtube-960x720-lqlozVr4v84.mkv
> dark web
> Did German Police Break Tor? https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=TQ8qnzPPYx0
Answer: No, the deanonymization and imprisonment mentioned in that video happened due to an outdated chatting client. That vid also says some thing about Tor guard attacks and controlling all nodes in the routing chain which the uploader says is really hard to do.