Days ago I watched some mostly biographical video about the life of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It said that he yearned to be loved and desired love from women but never really got any. That part of his story is sad or unfortunate for him. Do you desire to be in a loving relationship? Can't say that's been a priority or focus in my life. I was going to tie this Nietzsche detail into the below text (contrast it with a priority/desire of mine), but this post is long enough already.

I kinda don't remember if I replied to this post in another thread or not, but I was thinking about this situation recently so I'll reply (maybe again).

>   >>/9014/
Post  >>/9014/ is about programming, posts, and self knowledge.

>  > Don't read this line if you don't wanna read drama-related crap.
>  is talking about yourself a kind of drama?
!wt: drama, n. 5. "(slang, uncountable) Rumor, lying or exaggerated reaction to life or online events; melodrama; an angry dispute or scene; a situation made more complicated or worse than it should be; intrigue or spiteful interpersonal maneuvering." It was drama-related. Talking about oneself can be a moment in a larger drama.

>  So, does this mean that it is cool to avoid any kind of venting? Do you get anything in return by doing this?
I guess you get even more bottled up or pent up anger. = "Likes: [...] Videogames", "Dislikes: [...] Videogames". I can understand that. I play a video game called tint-tetris and it makes me pissed off, but I also kinda like it (Tetris). It makes me have such angry thoughts and also destructive thoughts. Makes me think about shit which made me angry and I become full of hate. That I sometimes or often think back to that event or similar events makes me think I have unresolved issues that I perhaps have to address or talk about one or multiple times.

>  > I think someone called me a script kiddie in the past. I'll call him an idiot outsider or someone who wasn't paying attention.
>  so I see that both of you ended up with derogatory terms. I see...
What you must understand is that I suspected that guy of being this one guy whom I fucking despise. He had no good faith and was a complete cunt. He continually insulted me beyond what was "necessary". I don't feel bad of treating someone on par with how they treated me. I tried to be accommodating and kind and understanding, but got not a shred of understanding or kindness from him. After a point there is no getting along or any mutual understanding. Fuck him and everyone he cares about. Hope he gets raped by a pack of wild niggers, lulz. Even knowing that I once moreso shared a website with him was somewhat sickening.

> more text
Maybe I'll address this later.