I haven't watched anything G5 related yet and I don't know if I'll ever get round to it, but my initial reaction to the news is that I do feel bad for G5 fans. The earnest fans of the show I've seen seem quite passionate about it, and that's in spite of the obvious strong hatred the show received from the fandom. So I can't help but respect people who not only love something so hated, but are brave enough to say so too. I can only really imagine their feels, but what a ride it must have been to embrace something so unpopular, only to have it rather unceremoniously killed off. I (temporarily) left the fandom after G4 ended, it made me feel empty inside and like a hole was left that couldn't be filled. Eventually I found my way back here but for a good year or two I'd fully given up on something which had been a big part of my life, and that was with a huge supportive fandom still left intact. What the G5 fans are going to do and where they're going to go, I've no idea. 
As far as G6 goes, I'm eager to see it come out even if it's bad. At this stage G4 is rather solidly in the past, so, so long as G6 doesn't try and revive any G4 stuff like G5 tried to, I'm basically eager for Hasbro to try out things as quickly as possible so they'll either give up trying to revive the franchise, rediscover their old niche of just being for little girls, or catch lightning in a bottle for an incredible and implausible second time. By which I mean not just that the sooner we get G6 the sooner we'll see which one of these it will be, but the sooner we get G6, if it's bad, the sooner we'll get G7 too, and G8 and so on until they bury the franchise, or manage to make it into something again.