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> Hackers are ["destroying"] right now
A day or two after posting #11223, I was thinking: perhaps it's a false flag on behalf of IA. Internet Archive has the means and the motive to pretend that their site was offline and read-only due to external attacks: perhaps to drum up donation bux due to users missing it or feeling as if they took it for granted. Gotta pay for those legal fees on other expenses somehow. What's lacking from this theory is proof. This is speculation. Also, what's the proof that they are actually being attacked and DDoS'd? There was some details about how they had a database breach, in which emails+hashed passwords got leaked. Speaking of conspiracy theories: sometimes they are intelligence operations, so compartmentalization happens; this could mean that only lead operator(s) know the truth and everyone else doesn't and is on a need-to-know basis.

> shared files
Links in that thread:
> the cmo3 model was lost with time because i'm a fucking retarded, so i'm remaking it.
anyways, here's the psd file. have fun.
> anonfilly vtuber\I remember one from the Antithology:
> Watch this very instructional guide on how to succeed. You shall become a greater vtuber than anyone on the Twitch and OnlyFans market.

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