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> Woah, I was looking for that seapony Celestia image. Did you repost that image from Golden Oaks general where I think I first posted it? Seems to be a scaled-down version compared to what I remember.

No, I had this on hoof for awhile. I often used lower res images due to bad/shaky internet (and at one point I had all my pony stuff on 16 to 32 GB USB drives). I am a Seapony enthusiast and think the princesses standout often as Seaponies and save pictures of those options. These two higher res from Twibooru I have on me right at the moment as some of my faves.

> Not looking to be showered in praise. I have had users appreciate my work in the past (as they communicated with me). Would be nice for users to participate moreso in the stuff I care about or data I have shared.

More on this later, I think I have something to add to discussion  but my go a bit deep, if you don't mind.