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Who organised Hoighty Toighty coming back? It could be Spike, as we see him closing the curtains. Perhaps he heard how badly the show had gone previously. Rarity using her magic to make a light show for the fashion show take 2 is impressive, and makes me think that magic is perhaps less so limited by a pony’s special talent, and moreso fueled by passion. I can’t really focus mentally on things I’m not interested in, and perhaps for unicorns it’s similar, where they get a significant power boost if the magic is related in some way to what they’re passionate about.
I like Hoighty Toighty watching Spike’s letter fly out of the window to Canterlot. It seems like he and Spike might be friends in some capacity, which is kinda neat in a way, and so I assume he knows it’s going to Celestia and knows Spike has regular contact with the Princess. His ending gag is pretty funny too.
Also a fifth screenshot, because Twilight looks really pretty in this dress. I remember this episode as being a particular instance where I began to find her attractive, and I think the dress is a part of that.
Nothing really stood out to me as elements I disliked, and this episode had a lot of positives. I’m going to give it an 8.4, as I just about preferred Dragonshy to this episode, but it doesn’t fall far short.
I'll respond to stuff a bit later, it's been a hectic couple of days! I did have this review earlier but I wasn't able to post it over the weekend, so this is just a quick paste more or less. I have enjoyed reading your review and responses though /)