thumbnail of __why is this thread dead__.mp3
thumbnail of __why is this thread dead__.mp3
__why is... mp3
(20.85 KB, 0x0)
WARC of that file:
> {"Name":"","Hash":"bafkreifthrhxgfe6qkzoxzmedpywmt65ywv6kbusbue3brxpnyma7kaxiq","Size":"1302"}
Raw = attached. I think that dropbox folder contains someone trying to voice act Anonfilly.

> My files don't really work now. Maybe if I reboot the computer it will clear a "dirty flag" or whatever the warning/error was
It was this error:
> 2024-10-18[...] | ERROR | pin | dspinner/pin.go:925 | failed to set pin dirty flag: leveldb: closed
> 2024-10-18[...] | ERROR | pin | dspinner/pin.go:944 | failed to set clear dirty flag: leveldb: closed
and it got cleared somehow after hours or days. Maybe because I freed ~100GB, maybe not. Next edit to archive shell scripts:
$ read -p "url: " url; ipfs --offline files stat /ipfs/$(echo "$url" | ipfs add --cid-version=1 -Q --only-hash)
That's the command in Bash to check if a URL was captured as a WARC before or not. Need to write the CGI API for that code and stuff.