Did you... mp3
(114.52 KB, 0x0)
arguingfil... mp3
(121.46 KB, 0x0)
Difference didn't jump out at me with those 5 anonfilly mp3s. I downloaded half of that Dropbox folder as WARCs so far. The filenames aren't lost in the warcs as >>/11249/ may suggest (though they are lost in the wget raw versions). See https://ipfs.desmos.network/ipfs/bafkreifthrhxgfe6qkzoxzmedpywmt65ywv6kbusbue3brxpnyma7kaxiq which links to
> {"Name":"1729877396-https---ucc7d011a69172485b5d675446f6.dl.dropboxusercontent.com-cd-0-get-CdLBib_hvNAbm7ed-MAGiZF4JKOTto-T-Qz1PAuCSnG1NoSj-5x1BOqBymTuB7DVGZXgfqyKHWa34ncdCcxvgY0q3JxHeBgV0h3hq4FlAXqlYlmYdWW8VGwhEvDIgdTc.URL2LONG-00000.warc.gz","Hash":"bafkreifjjnnbzzbp332lu32jrcwolzld627seknsopiv3mdqwdgrqt4tv4","Size":"23823"},
and that contains this (https://ipfs.desmos.network/ipfs/bafkreifjjnnbzzbp332lu32jrcwolzld627seknsopiv3mdqwdgrqt4tv4 -> zcat):
> WARC/1.0
> WARC-Type: response
> WARC-Record-ID: [...]
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> Content-Type: application/binary[...]
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="why is this thread dead.mp3"; filename*=UTF-8' 'why%20is%20this%20thread%20dead.mp3
For the semi-complex code that I wrote (multiple files for the same project), may as well stick it in GitHub so at least it's easier to manage and update.
Official YT instrumental version