> However, it could conform to more standards, which would make it better. Such as "/web/memento/yyyy-mm..." paths.
What I mean by that - example of a URL conforming to the "memento standard":
What can be learned or remembered from this: if you systematically download website raws then do the following. When you can, you should save them to paths which work with the memento standard, so your local paths match with website paths and include a download time. Looking at >>/11260/
> /ipfs/cid/fucklxqt/1729337897.3467504.htm from derpibooru.org/images/3467504
> /ipfs/cid/fucklxqt/1729337897.3467504.json from derpibooru.org/api/v1/json/images/3467504
all the information is available to make it conform to that standard, but the current reality is it isn't. Format:
> /ipfs/cid/[unix timestamp].[derp* id].[webpage or json]
Better (real example):
> /ipfs/cid/memento/20241019113817/derpibooru.org/images/3467504
Script filly information - convert unix times to a string which can be used in memento paths:
> $ TZ=UTC date -d @1600000000 -u +%Y%m%d%H%M%S
> 20200913122640
> $ # %NZ = millisecond/nanosecond
Attached: "MandoPedo" video. If MandoPony wasn't intentionally lied about by users, maybe he would have created more noteworthy media.