Website analysis is read only as of now (Tue Oct 29 16:25:52 2024 UTC); example:
> {"Name":"","Hash":"bafkreiecdgu43es3cuz2vnpc3h6rehfz7vaujtvxairblw2km25b25bk7a","Size":"684"}
derpibooru image upload webpages range in size from 160KB to like 260KB. Too large, but not way too large. Related -
> Websites [pages] in this list must not exceed 256KB compressed size! had an IWTCIRD thread with >500 replies, WARC:
> {"Name":"","Hash":"bafkreiaoxeoah7jv54kfk4jlaokqb7jq2buw5nk7itiuqwv5qs576xaify","Size":"766"}
Metadata keywords appear to filter out "naughty" words, such as "cum":
Reading older threads - I'll call this "Halloween costume thread", quote:
> Does the purple shiny piece go in your butt, as a tail base?