blah png
(148.45 KB, 1365x767)
mp4 mp4
(34.28 MB, 1280x720 h264)
I've added this 42-GB folder
of pony channels to MFS at
= now 433 GB total.
It shouldn't be too hard to make a 50-per-page "no-search" HTML index of YouTube channels' videos that I downloaded. This index will be of all videos and not segmented by channel.
Copy files into folders with simple and predictable strings (simple data layout, must use HTML index to easily see what's what):
< snip>
Generate index HTML, currently no next/previous page:
< snip>
More doable once "$ read -p ..." command is done for every folder. Make more index HTMLs after generating these initial ones (think months later): be aware of more folders added to that MFS folder; know which they are so you can make new indexes. Couldn't post that code here, JS message popped up saying it was spam or something. Unmodified post: