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In-between episodes, I’ve read through the My Little Pony manga, too. I like the artstyle a lot – the show uses simplified art, but when fans make My Little Pony in a manga/anime style, they tend to just add detail. This isn’t bad per se, but the style of this manga is closer to looking like what I think of when I think of a My Little Pony manga. It’s more clearly oriented towards children, understandably, but I think for what it is the manga stays remarkably close to the characters (unlike some other material that could be mentioned, like King Zebra) – they each get an introduction which is relatively faithful. Genuinely this would be a pretty good primer for the show for a kid. Then, each chapter is broken up into a little story or two. Some of these are roughly adapted from an episode, albeit simplified – Suited For Success is in there, for instance. Others are original – and the original stories, although I’m not the first to mention it, would make great concepts for episodes. The one that stuck out most to me is where a particular tree that supports life for a lot of Fluttershy’s animals seems unwell – it’s branches are falling off and it’s sap is drying up. So, they bring the tree to life to ask it what’s wrong. The tree is depressed and so they cheer it up. This would make for a really solid episode I think – minus the ending, where they bring Golden Oaks to life and she and the tree fall in love, with Twilight gaining an extra reading nook in the new tree once it returns to it’s inanimate form. Each of the ponies would have something unique to bring to interactions with such a tree character – Fluttershy connecting with it on matters of nature, Rarity sprucing it up and trimming it, Rainbow Dash trying and most likely failing to psyche the tree up, Twilight reading it books on motivation or something to that effect, and Applejack trying apple-bucking, kind of like those aggressive Swedish sports massages they do. I think it would also fit in well with the pony-natural world relations theme of season 1, where we could expand more on how ponies relate to trees, and perhaps explore the difference between a domesticated tree like this one, and the wild trees of the Everfree Forest.
Overall more of just a fun read, definitely a bit younger in orientation compared to the show but remarkably faithful in most respects.