thumbnail of flitter_is_the_best_pony_by_domidelance_d9lx9vc-350t.jpg
thumbnail of flitter_is_the_best_pony_by_domidelance_d9lx9vc-350t.jpg
flitter_is_... jpg
(9.78 KB, 240x350)
All Endchan /pone/ thread JSONs as of 2024-11-03 are in this folder:

That folder also includes  >>/11288/ solution of using, the following file and others:

It works even with the screen off or screen locked by a login/screensaver lock. Limitation of memento standard: paths containing "?". Example:
. Works, but has a false value of original URL =
. Fails (not HTML, file not found), but has the correct original URL:
.. Also, these were captured from https and not http (matters less).

This is because "?" is not interpreted as a literal character or part of the filename if not after "?filename=" in IPFS gateways. Memento doesn't work with "?filename=", so there's no way to correctly do that specifically with IPFS gateways. %3F in the URL is the only way to get it to correspond to a question mark character in the filename for the path-based and not CID-based address. Solution? Use ipwb WARC replay thing which probably will work with (and even show it has having been captured via HTTPS and not HTTP). Or use some other webserver like Apache or nginx.

I don't have a larger version of this image.