thumbnail of 0TheRaritysWalkOfShame.webm
thumbnail of 0TheRaritysWalkOfShame.webm
0TheRaritysWalkOfShame webm
(82.49 KB, 854x480 vp9)
thumbnail of TheWalk.webm
thumbnail of TheWalk.webm
TheWalk webm
(342.17 KB, 854x480 vp9)
Opps, was logged into BO. 

Anyways. The most important thing is this right here:
> Spike: You are never gonna believe this! You've heard of Hoity Toity?

> Twilight Sparkle: The bigwig fashion hotshot in Canterlot?

> Spike: Uh-huh. He heard about your fashion show. Well, maybe I happened to mention it to him... he's coming here all the way from Canterlot to see your work, Rarity!

This is another instance of Spike seemingly having some sort of other duties/life connected to Canterlot. I had completely forgotten about this. Actually, I am not sure if it has ever stuck out to me before to me. 
> Spike's on "royal business." I know it was just an excuse to not have him there but this line I have always remembered. What sort of business was he on? Considering how they have usually acted with Spike being a child (relatively responsible to be entrusted with some duties) I wonder what he would be up too and traveling alone, if even to a safe trip to Canterlot for. 

Now, this adds a little weight whatever happened here.

There is a lot of interesting implications. Twilight Sparkle talked about Hoity Toity as somebody famous and not personally familar with. A thought comes to mind of Spike having at least some minor brushes with Canterlot high society while doing, IDK, stuff for the princess. 

110% satisfied 
Rarity said in this episode, who is ready for a forced meme?

Noticing background details too strongly
The first catwalk scene overhead shot I thought the ponies where just one static drawing besides the lights. This would be common in other animation but I handled recalled FiM ever doing that before (obliviously because of the availability of rigs they could just copypaste as they please). The the more close up top down shot of Rarity though does have these ponies move some. These ponies are nothing to really write home about,there colors are off, movements stiff, and just feel overall basic and perhaps a bit rushed (and why not, just a couple of tiny shots less than what, 20 seconds overall? No problem with it). I wonder if these very simple top view ponies ever where used again or if there will be other instances of potentially one off wonky ponies like this?

Rainbow Dash's dress looks completely fine, tbh, not guady and mismatched like the others, just perhaps ill fitting for the setting/theme.