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> They do try to convince Rarity not to go the extra mile for them, and in fairness if Rarity just listened here the rest of the episode’s conflict would not have to happen, but again I think it’s fantastic that Rarity’s generosity actually leads her into a bit of trouble here. The lesson in a way is not only to be careful not to take advantage of generosity, but also to be careful that your generosity is not taken advantage of, too!

Worded better than how I explained it, but yes! I also think the idea of being appreciative of gifts is a worthy component as well that is laudable.  

> The reprise is even catchier, and we get the 20% cooler line. Oh yes, that old chestnut. The budget comment is interesting though – they’re paying for these dresses? I thought Rarity was doing it as a favour. It makes what they’re doing slightly less egregious if they are paying for them, though.

Nice catch and yes, that is a good question. I can come up with somewhat plausible theories but none with strong evidence (they insisted on paying for the dresses. Rarity charged them token prices for the materials. They decided to pay for the new dresses in some capacity). 

> Rarity’s dramatic shutting herself away is hilarious and some more great characterisation, I love it. I also love the concern all five of them show – this episode isn’t just a great Rarity character episode, we get a lot of great interactions between all of the Mane 6,

100% agree.  

> Either the class structure is less stratified along unicorn/pegasus/earth pony lines than we often think (although the show regularly supports that type of stratification), or he’s somewhat of a rags-to-riches story, a bit like what Rarity aspires to.

Another theory, though this can easily exist with the others. Culture is not 100% with race/class. We seen mixed familes most of the time with earth ponies, but that certainly exists elsewhere (and might have some prominent example that has slipped my mind) but an earth pony raised among unicorns in Canterlot may just be that, he still is culturally hip and a little snobby. Rarity has been shown to feel awkwardness with being from Ponyville after all! Racial associations with most of these towns still exist but the in-group/out-group dynamics may apply just as much to culture. 

> Rarity using her magic to make a light show for the fashion show take 2 is impressive, and makes me think that magic is perhaps less so limited by a pony’s special talent, and moreso fueled by passion. I can’t really focus mentally on things I’m not interested in, and perhaps for unicorns it’s similar, where they get a significant power boost if the magic is related in some way to what they’re passionate about. 

There is some later post-season moments that may support this, but that is far off! Very far off.

> I like Hoighty Toighty watching Spike’s letter fly out of the window to Canterlot. It seems like he and Spike might be friends in some capacity, which is kinda neat in a way, and so I assume he knows it’s going to Celestia and knows Spike has regular contact with the Princess

Spike's connection, however minor, is a curiosity to me, for reasons I have already stated.I admit that I probably spent too much time thinking about it, but that is who I am. That is an interesting idea of them being friends.

> Nothing really stood out to me as elements I disliked, and this episode had a lot of positives. I’m going to give it an 8.4, as I just about preferred Dragonshy to this episode, but it doesn’t fall far short. 

Here is how I think of ratings in my head, 
10/10, perfect, I have almost never felt this. about anything
9/10 Great/amazing, rare for me to feel this
8/10 Great/good
7/10 good
6/10 good/okay/something great with one or two flaw that mess it up a bit
5/10 flawed/mixed
anything lower,bad

Yeah,not very clear for and clean, and I think that everyone has slight different perceptions. That is just how I think it in my head and mine are a bit more arbitrary than some(I think).