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>>/11247/ > When Applejack is given a lift in Pinkie's balloon, as a result she would have skipped a large portion of the racetrack - and given that Applejack's a particularly strong Earth Pony, perhaps her contribution to that particular stretch of the race was the vital component to those leaves falling. > It does imply that, though again I just sort of assumed it was really just Applejack making the leaves fall at the end. It is fair enough, I think it just goes back to if one takes unicorns and pegasi ponies being able to contribute. My instincts are mixed on this and I have gone back and forth with thinking of what I remember of the show and might give the episode a rewatch just for more (over)thinking. > nice > 1234 < mfw I didn't notice. > Agreed. In a way I'd say the problem is adults and teenagers joining in with it and making it "theirs". Stuff like Santa in Christmas is more for kids with there being traditions that are more for adults, I'd much prefer halloween if the spooky stuff and dressup was just for kids and adults just did stuff like pumpkin soup or whatever. Mind you, here I am watching My Little Pony, so I'm not one to judge what adults do necessarily. This is actually a very interesting angle, one that I think is relevant but not often discussed and I think it is a multifaceted "thing." Something happened with our society, a nostalgic retreat is a major component but I am still forming fully on the why, reductionist views (technology, capitalism too far or the decline of religion) play a part, but I feel this is often other small nuances that are mixed, my tenancy is to blame tech more than the other two. I don't view spookiness in Halloween, but agree on overall principles of this idea of adult colonization of childhood things being... something. I am talking a bit vague and unclear, aren't I? I hope you get the gist. I think to an extent the fandom is guilty of that, I never brought the complete self guilt or self aggrandizing behavior that the fandom often adopts in viewing itself;we are complex and it is complex. > seeya soon /) > I'll respond to stuff a bit later, it's been a hectic couple of days! Same for the past two weeks for me! So we good. >>/11287/ Manga, more on that later, but for the moment: > The tree is depressed and so they cheer it up. This would make for a really solid episode I think – minus the ending, where they bring Golden Oaks to life and she and the tree fall in love, with Twilight gaining an extra reading nook in the new tree once it returns to it’s inanimate form. Fanfics enter the chat, but yes, I agree overall the concept is workable and the mane 6's interactions could be interesting. Oh, and: > Pinkie’s dress didn’t come out looking too bad. All things considered, I think it’s the best looking one of the bunch. I think Pinkie's is the second best, it is whimsical and she is whimsical and she makes it work, but I am probably as in tune to fashion as you are.