thumbnail of bafkreic3mpoe6ykuar4irebpm2wbytoq66z3nzb5s4m7y7lacu7msprelm
thumbnail of bafkreic3mpoe6ykuar4irebpm2wbytoq66z3nzb5s4m7y7lacu7msprelm
(4.47 KB, 250x140)
grabset2 (32 GB):
. grabset1:  >>/11219/
. 7.5 GB of MLP-related videos/channels
. 14 GB of WARCs
. remaining 21.5 GB = "random videos"
. in two non-crappy HDDs, not in two different computers (yet?)

Folder "warc" contains raws such as
. - whatever that is:
. picrel: http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion:8080/ipfs/QmencruQsxmZK5CH4BKkt6nB4v2SVhJSbTTKeiCgtG4upf/grabset2/warc/

> What's the point? Other than the obvious?
I'm reminded of how that one guy thought I was a script kiddie. I was recently thinking of how absolutely idiotic that take is. Archiving and programming go hand in hand. There's such as thing as "grab logic" - in regards to downloading the various form of data from the various sources. Also, without helpfully manipulating data, indexing things, and understanding the software (website stuff or otherwise) and hardware, then you are worse off. This is somewhat pathetic as it imagines that there is no work and complexities or struggles or lengths of time from tasks involved in progressing things. Like you could have all of the benefits of this work, but nothing else. You could argue that there are those who do this work silently. But where's the proof? And what's the harm in posting about it?

Does this appear chaotic? Perhaps because I focus on various objects instead of one objective only for a long time. If I was just focused on one thing it would be more understandable. Chaos comes with chocolate rain, so don't worry about it.

How does posting grabset2 here move things along? (1) I'm reminded of this --  >>/11219/ (and surrounding posts) -- days-long task of setting those ~million files to their original 4chan archive ./mlp/... paths; "mostly done", but more todo, and yes  >>/11288/ Bash can complete a 72K-character-long command. (2) Next grabset will have YYYYMM... timestamps in the filename and not Unix timestamps - easier to make memento folders and goes along better with web archiving standards. (3) MLP YT folders have been added to the corresponding MFS folder: total is now 440 GB.