> But where's the proof? And what's the harm in posting about it?
Did some anon get mad at you posting about scripts? I think it may be rooted in the fact that they can't understand what you are doing at times. Albeit, some of your critics have seemed just retarded. I didn't understand the script kiddie thing either.
> Does this appear chaotic? Perhaps because I focus on various objects instead of one objective only for a long time. If I was just focused on one thing it would be more understandable. Chaos comes with chocolate rain, so don't worry about it.
This is a legit criticism though, on its own. Take it from somebody or is it somepony /endpone/ official nomenclature? who checks in seldom. Your posts are very hard to follow, like, free form stream of consciousness and even with the links and bridgefag's attempt to mitigate it with the anchor posts and partial attempts to explain the technical terms in the thread, it takes a lot of reading to get the context of what you are doing. To be fair, bridgefag and the other anons were sometimes like this.
As for mitigation? IDK, I don't think it is something that is as simple as telling you to stop and that's that. It is not so much a behavioral problem as a communication and perhaps involved the way you organize things in your head. Also, you are _undeniably_ successful at what you do. I think even slightly better communication of what you are doing would go along way to help ease friction that you have had with others in the past.
Personally, I don't hate your style, it is an interesting read and you have sometimes really interesting finds and valuable info, just maybe some _here what I am doing now_ post without a blacklog of 10 posts to fully grasp what is going on would help
I hope you can get better, /)