Do post this when you get the chance. I am curious as well to see where you go with it. The world has potential, the characters just need more development and us to get to know them.
Oh, also, are these AI attempts Starry Skies attempts?
> A Conversation Among The Stars/The Stars Will Aid in Her Escape (most anons, and myself, ended up calling the latter name for whatever reason). It still isn't horror or nightmare night spooky though. Just running with an idea.
An interesting story, but not horror, more of haunting. I don't think you're the only person to have done anything with that concept but I probably have seen the stars as entities only in a couple of other fanfics at most and I think it was more of fluff rather than a focus.
> I think spooky as a motif can be a genre, like, fic written for Nightmare Night are often going for a certain set of ideas and feelings. Not all spooky things though, are spooky or horror or whatever one calls it. TDLR: scariness is something that can be invoked in a lot of situations, and the spooky/horror genre is a specific set of motifs.
Horror is a genre, but as with any genre there is a lot of grayness with the exact boarder.