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> It tended to get pegasus and rope correct, sometimes included cliffs, and had no idea what a harness is or that there were supposed to be two ponies in the shot.

I can't tell if that is Breezy Blue or Starry Skies in this shot. One of them is a green flying eel thing now, apparently. That would be a funny challenge, writing a story based on whatever the AI gives you for each scene. I almost feel tempted for something stupid. 

Interesting that you use the word "haunting", I am curious as to what you mean it to mean. I often use that word, and with a slightly broader definition than some (I think).

As for the stars as entries, I have personally run into a short story (forgetting the name) that I need to read that I think also runs with that concept. Part of me is surprised there wasn't a bit more of it, earlier on, considering in the fist episode and the fandom ran with every little thrown away line and concept back then(or did it? In rewatching Season 1,  >>/8890/ , I have noticed some other little things that I am surprised didn't get more attention). I think mainly what happened in early fics Luna was portrayed controlling the stars/having domain over the night and that was taken as merely an instance of "the night" doing her bidding without the thought on the stars as figures in their own right.