pinkiesbrew mp3
(4.86 MB, 0x0)
A pro Redditor remastered "Pinkie's Brew":
> - attached
I don't entirely trust my ears and memory, but I think that version sounds smoother or "creamier". The high pitched vocals are maybe not so shrill, and the vocals maybe integrate better with the instrumentals. As for categorizing this, I guess "Pinkie's Brew, remaster by anonymous" because I guess you can't find the username of whoever made that.
AI wiki was braindead when asked about that track:
That ML wiki was better at describing what It'll Be OK by Sherclop Pones is:
WBM is back to making quickly-accessible captures. Hopefully they don't end up deleted a day or three later as was the case with some 2024-11-05 captures >>/11296/.