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> Make sure anons who used to contribute here still have a home here or on /culture/ 

Howdy, Bridgefag here. I agree on Archivist being hard to go through but disagree on a solution. I think it is less that he is random and tangential and more so the non-sequential (10 posts containing bits of context as you say) and the sheer volume of posting. It is actually pretty orderly in a sense, just dense. He reports back various things he finds, makes available, and various observations on the side and I am not sure it is really easy for him to simply summertime each and every task. I would have difficulty with that myself here, considering the fact, off the top of my head what I did:
> Tried to research and establish a timeline for Ponychan's leadership

> Slowly build a directory of dead obscure projects, with life status

> Me and later YT with various comment programs

> Various forays into smaller sites, from Discord Daily to an old broken Ponybooru remnant which would I dig around in and post random stuff from. 

I would also post random stuff I found and side observations. It is kind of what makes going through things fun. He does all of that, but at 10.000 MPH. The best advice would be to slow down a bit  and maybe focus once and awhile more heavily on a single task but I also get being in "the zone" and the fact that there is a looming threat of terabytes of stuff being deleted as our model of the internet comes crumbing down and things keep getting yanked from under our feet. Also the thread was walking with a limb when he arrivedand I had lost touch with YT (the old driving force of the thread for awhile, nothing mysterious, just a busy life like mine). With medical issues on top of that and the philosophy of /endpone/:
> 3 This board is not /mlp/, 8/pone, /mlpol/ or Ponychan. Not saying this board is the most unique or wonderful place in the world but a posting style and a limited culture has arisen that is distinct from those models and is arguably in sometimes in contrast. Expect sometimes long meandering discussions jumping randomly from topic to topic and experimental projects of various levels of merit. We also recognize that board culture is not finite and could easily evolve with what any new anon or two could bring something to the table that could alter things significantly. Just don't bring in a mentality of endless low quality threads and shitposting like glimmmmmer! to X is cucked. It would ruin the board and will not be tolerated.

My thought process was/is:
I can't do much of anything and if he is able to save TB of info like crazy then go wild as long as he doesn't do anything stupid that would derail other threads or endanger the board I don't see it that he pushed others out of the thread in a negative direction so much as took the lead at a time when things were moving at a snail's pace and moved it in a new direction that while might need some more structure also has its merits.

I do need to make sure our previous projects have a home and that is partly what /culture/ (I still indeed for some to be on /go/ but will sort that out later) is for to host a lot of the niche that /go/ did on the side which drew a lot of our attention at times. Minor attempts at statics and record keeping mixed with, testimonies, fandom representation, maybe certain things on a project by project basis as others have suggested. I need to advertise this better and makes sure if YT or somebody else cam back they wouldn't be confused (which requires me to actually set the tone of that thread better and make things feel less rudderless) 

> I still think YT anons feed anyalizer program you should fire up and see if you can make it work. That was a cool idea. 

Also agree. 

> I don't want to derail the thread, so a simple proposal instead: 

LOL, nice rhyme! You're not derailing the thread offering feedback though and if you have more ideas I think that is still a good thing. 

 anon ho vanished.
**A different anon, long story, used be BO, I try to respect his wishes and he prob