2/2 character limit myself

 he probably would rather not be talked about 
It is something that haunts me to this day though.

Thanks for the well wishes and same to you, /)

> So much of type (1) and not a lot of type (2). I did a thread summary earlier ITT and got kinda burned out on doing that so quit. Type (2) definitely takes effort to do, and I feel like I'm repeating myself. However, without clear summaries of everything that happened in these threads, that overview or summary knowledge could be lost or never really existed in the first place.

My advise on thread summaries right now, KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. Don't overthink and explain everything but primary info when trying this and you don't have to do this every post or every task, just important stuff every once and awhile. I could see that being more clunky and if it is a clunky stress perhaps something else can be brainstormed?

I have been slowly working on my own small burst of post for here and maybe then we can discuss other improvements or what not whenever that happens.