Topics * Mostly complete grab of all of 4chan /mlp/ live content at 2024-12-01 * CLI method to automatically add all ipfs content that you add to MFS (feel like this could be worded better): part of an "archived by design" effort
How large is 4chan? If that question is about the live content in that site, then the answer is the sum of all the boards. How large is a 4chan board? It's the sum of two parts: the read-only threads and the read-write threads. How large is 4chan /mlp/'s non-read-only threads? Answer: 6.3 gigabytes as of 2024-12-01. All of 4chan /mlp/'s read-write threads were downloaded as JSON; all full images in those threads were downloaded:
Insights were gained from this grab (see thread linked in post >>/11330/). How large is 4chan /mlp/ including all of its archived or lost or saved content since its start. Estimated 1.3 to 1.5 terabytes. If you're interested in this, then there's a torrent and IPFS CID for that (doesn't include lost media).
> all of your important IPFS CIDs should be saved to MFS
Kubo has a command line option to do that:
> $ ipfs add -rH --cid-version=1 --chunker=size-1048576 --to-files=/created/edit/2/ folderA
> [...]added bafybeiekn3oylvfuxt7nn5z73ny465tssw5keg3iqfjybg5mfuapcvq6xq folderA
> [...]Error: to-files: MFS destination directory "/created/edit/2/" does not exist: file does not exist
> $ # only adds to existing MFS folder.
Same command, but after "ipfs files mkdir /created/edit/2" = [...]. Then run "ipfs files ls /created/edit/2" =
> folderA
So the folder or file added will have its name in (be put in) the specified MFS folder. (If the specified folder is "./." then it whatever the name of that is should be put in there; if it's "./../." or "-w" then it's be the name+contents of parent dir of current folder or dir wrapped in a folder = ipfs cid?)
> 11372
*missing hundreds of images that you would expect to see in there.
Did you see the other Easter egg in that website?