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>>/11373/ >>/50/ GiB/S > I assume you mean GigaBytes per second and not Gigabits per second? Correct? A lot of people get those mixed up. No, I didn't mix up bytes and bits. GB and GiB = basically bytes. Gb and Gib = basically bits. (B=bytes and b=bits.) GB=gigabytes and GiB=gibibyte. There's also the corresponding megibyte mebibyte MiB from megabyte, kilibyte kibibyte KiB from kilobyte, tebibyte TiB from terabyte, pebibyte PiB from petabyte, exbibyte EiB from exabyte, zebibyte ZiB from zettabyte, and yobibyte YiB from yottabyte. Gotta remember that ZB is smaller than YB. 1 yottabyte = 10^24 bytes or 1,000 zettabytes. Difference between normal bytes prefix and that prefix but the one to three characters before "bytes" replace with "bi" (to form "kibibyte" or whatever) = related to measuring information or data storage by base 2 or base 10. Base 2 binary = 1 byte; 1024 bytes; 1,048,576 bytes (1024*1024 or 2^20); etc. Base 10 decimal = 1 bytes; 1000 bytes; 1,000,000 bytes (1000*1000 or 10^6); etc. I've heard that the bits method of measuring data is used in regards to network transfers, but I'm pretty sure that's useless marketing lingo. So you're ISP or something would show you a speed test webpage and it would say "download and upload speed of 64,000!" but really that means 8,000 because 64,000 Kb = 8,000 KB (8 MB/s). So to actually measure network or Internet transfer speed, use bytes and not bits (megabytes not megabits, and so on). >>/11375/ > CLI method to make automatically an MFS entry for everything you add to ipfs: part of an "archived by design" effort At approximately 2024-12-02 06:45:00 UTC I found the following Kubo IPFS bug. Write-up at > - title="ipfs add: to-files with wrap creates literal single-character dot folders #10611", quote='Background: say that with every ipfs add command that I run, I want to add the file or folder to MFS. A month ago I added folder "a" (... --to-files=/tf/0/ ...) then today I add a different folder named "a". This is a conflict because an entry for "/tf/0/a" already exists. One would think that the solution is to only add CIDs with to-files+wrap; the expected outcome would be that that would copy the final wrap-with-directory CID to MFS. Instead what you get is... \\ Bug: it writes a folder literally named "." to MFS.' pic unrelated also in >>/11375/ /ipfs/bafybeih...ctya/.../test/