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Topics * further usage of Interplanetary Wayback Machine (ipwb) * * ipwb should only be ran in a private testing environment?

If you have web raws with a correct timestamp of when it was downloaded then you can put it into Interplanetary Wayback Machine: no WARC needed! This is borderline faking WARCs, so proceed with caution. This worked (zero-byte header, non-empty payload):
> org,ourboard,tvshowtranscripts)/viewtopic.php?f=303&t=19507 20241104011910 {"locator": "urn:ipfs/bafkreihdwdcefgh4dqkjv67uzcmw7ojee6xedzdetojuzjevtenxquvyku/bafkreiguqle7qr3p7qpud3li6nefwnhpsbicigrmdeyxgfdwu4l6v4d7wi", "status_code": "200", "mime_type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8", "original_uri": "", "title": "s01e04 - eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4 - Mr. Robot Transcripts - TvT"}
Added to CDXJ (.txt):
> $ ipwb -d /dns/ replay bafkreicddpbk7q3kgranv3kc-edit.txt

I learned that the CDXJ must be sorted to work, so if you have captures from .net, .biz, .com, and .horse URLs (for example) then you can't just stick that line of text anywhere and have it all work. In vim, run ":sort". Proof that it works (with URLs containing "?"!):

A capture of an MLP-related forums webpage:

If you run Interplanetary Wayback Machine (ipwb) publicly for long enough, you might get raped/hacked or have something else bad or unwanted or unexpected happen. I think it's also based on Python. Not great to run Python-based web servers, so I've heard.

v2:  >>/11394/ (cross-thread)

Image: I hope that TinEye and tvshowtranscr1pts.0urboard.0rg both get breached and have all of their data leaked for free. Second image seems poorly drawn.