thumbnail of Residents - 1982 - The Tunes Of Two Cities - 05 - Smack Your Lips (Clap Your Teeth).mp3
thumbnail of Residents - 1982 - The Tunes Of Two Cities - 05 - Smack Your Lips (Clap Your Teeth).mp3
Residents... mp3
(9.23 MB, 0x0)
> Friendship is Witchcraft
In the first episode when Twilight woke and and basically said "Fuck!" due to too many parasprites in her library home: I laughed or chuckled at that. (Similarly responded to this funny video: - npr, standup comedy.)

In this FiW playlist, all of the videos seem to be set to sign-in-only due to age restrictions:
so focus on the same video IDs in TPA.

> If you run Interplanetary Wayback Machine (ipwb) publicly for long enough, you might get fucking raped/hacked
Reading - looks like they imply that it's fine to run that server in a production/public way. Audio unrelated.