> Can do that with security by obscurity, not telling anyone your non-discoverable v3 address
I don't know, m8, security by obscurity in this context often means. "I have a unlocked door that is hidden." If someone finds that door they're will be no defenses.

> I had done some experiments on >>>/mlp/
Didn't know /endpone/ had a puppet state.

>  I thought was opposed time someon brought that up
I wouldn't be against the bump limit being raised, provided that all threads wouldn't be required to end just at whatever you set the new higher bump limit at.

> Those anti-AI virtue signaling faggots... Pearl-clutching church ladies aghast by nonconformity..
I think saying "Hey, trying to set an arbitrary line on what AI was allowed and what wasn't, isn't working out, let's not have AI and set a separate site for it!" Is reasonable unto itself and I could believe that they were doing it because of moderation issues but there is significant issues with some of the language there.

> Boxy
For some reason very annoying in this context.Not mad at you though.