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Topics * MLP DeviantART stamps * Drpi uploader+saver * be aware of I/O usage, scrubbed 14.9 TB * HTML generator

> 99x56 image
It's a DevianTART stamp. Similar to older webring/web1.0 thing like blue ribbon free speech campaign sticker at the bottom of webpages to resist dumb Internet laws back then. Pics from,height:56

> not found at /search/reverse
D*uploader and web raw memento thing:  >>/11262/

> start: 2024-12-08 07:24:36
> scan: scrub repaired 0B in 6 days 18:08:32 with 0 errors on Sun Dec 15 01:33:08 2024 [UTC]
For like 5 days (2024-12-08 to 2024-12-13) it was scrubbing; but that was slow because it seems like IPFS is an I/O hog, and its daemon was running for those days. 2024-12-13 08:47: it was like 14% scrubbed. The other 86% finished in a day or two while the ipfs daemon wasn't running.

> Next version of webpage generator
I've added comments to basically all the code in there! Helps add clarity, reduce technical debt, and make future updates and maintaining easier. Considerations for text: JSON-safe, Bash-safe, HTML-safe, sed/regex safe. Encoding every character as an HTML for HTML-safe made too-bloated webpages, now only encoding "everything" that isn't /[a-zA-Z0-9]/.