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thumbnail of The_White_Riders_-_Stand_Up_And_Be_Counted-NA-NA-web.archive_-youtube-640x360-UcINDQDOUpk.mp4
The_White_Riders_-_St... mp4
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Nigger_Hat... mp3
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Topics * setup HTTPS for local IPFS gateway * My Little /Pol/ website and related stuff

> didn't getting it working in a way that gives me HTTPS
Kinda excited/hyped that I got HTTPS for a local IPFS gateway working via a reverse proxy with Apache Server. How-to:
1. Prerequisite: setup Apache HTTP Server so it can be accessed via HTTPS (use self-signed SSL certs)
2. Enable some mods: "$ sudo a2enmod proxy" and "$ sudo a2enmod proxy_http"
3. Open "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf"
4. In the section "", add these lines:ProxyPassMatch "^/ipfs/(.*)" "$1"
> ProxyPassMatch "^/ipns/(.*)" "$1"
> ProxyPass "/ipfs" ""
> ProxyPass "/ipns" ""
> ProxyPassReverse "/ipfs" ""
> ProxyPassReverse "/ipns" "5.">"[/code]5. Restart Apache: "$ sudo systemctl restart apache2"
6. Test that it works at 4-GB MLP-related folder
7. Note: must have the ProxyPassMatch directive; otherwise you will get infinite/>20/too-many redirects.

> 11436
*none of these images seen at /search/reverse
*Nuclear reactions involve splitting and merging atoms

KKK files - neither images deleted off of Derp* (yet?), both videos/audio deleted off of YouTube. Description of the one tagged as "middle finger" - related to /mlpol/:
> Official admin approved design for the Anonymous of, drawn by mlpol-tan. Version with Klan hood.
Paradoxical thing about Nazis in the current day: individualism vs. populist collectivism. Neo-Nazis are probably shunned from most parts of society, but either idiotically or knowingly keep believing in their ideology. Overall, Nazism is probably not a good idea, but the shining individualism of Nazis is sorta admirable. They probably have more in common with SJWs and gays than they think. Say if you are gay or a Nazi: what if all of your friends and family knew that? You could even personally tell all of them and say "fuck you" to anyone who gives you shit: that's individualism! Contrary to the populist collectivism of 1930s/1940s Nazi Germany (National Socialism = collectivism). Chuds nowadays gotta make their own type of music. In the current day dialectic things can get wrapped up in far-left vs. far-right where far right only means facism. Politics, philosophy, and history is more complex than that. That's a false Hegelian dialectic because it doesn't factory in reactionary politics. Mencius Moldbug talked about this. Moldbug is a Jewish neoreactionary, and some of his bad ideas are Jewish ones.