Sonic Rainboom, what can I say about this one? This review is going to be on the shorter side, had two family members fall ill and one injure himself after a surgery, my mobility isn’t 100% right now, been an interesting holiday season!
Something about the traveling here feels different to other seasons. More cozy, more ‘’intimate'.’ I think some of it is the fresh details we get and how fresh and young the world is. I really shouldn’t compare this to later seasons all the time but I can’t hep it! I liked it! I like the feeling here. I thought the build up to the conflict and how it was executed was solid enough. I enjoyed Rainbow Dash switching her numbers and avoiding leaving till the last possible moment. It reminded me of the dread of waiting for a shot when I was young. Something that was quick and better to get over with sooner, yet, the fear of it is so strong that I want to avoid getting a shot at all costs and anything that delayed it, even slightly, felt like a blessing. The rainboom was well animated by season 1 standards even if it was outdone later on.
There is a lot of world building that I should get into on Cloudsdale and the weather but I cannot help but focus on the spells here. It is interesting detail of this is how they so causally let let Rarity compete in the race without prejudice. How everypony fawns over Rarity and shows an interest? You’d think that, especially with the context of some racial animosity that still lingered on and could rear it’s head that was established within the show even in, well, next season, this should’ve been an issue! I think though this “problem” in continuity can be fairly easily resolved : unicorns are a, pun intended, a rarity! I couldn’t find it from a few quick searches, but I know Faust before has said something to the effect of, Earth Ponies were the most common, Pegasi a hundred times less common than Earth Ponies, and Unicorns a hundred times less common than pegasi. Thinking along these lines fixes this and actually goes with a lot of the cultural dynamics were see in Season 1 and later on. Unicorns budding in and doing shenanigans like this would be an uncommon occurrence and a speckle/sight of wonder.. They wouldn’t be taking the spotlight every day of the week.
Also, magical spells are common knowledge but unicorns who can preform a lot of spells, may be rarer still. We don’t see anypony else using that cloud walking spell after all! Goodness, thinking along these lines could be used to explain a lot. Trixie being a performer to the smugness of Canterlot society even might partly be due to the relative rarity of unicorns in this world.
This review is a bit of a traffic jam, my rating is a 6.9 out of 10. I liked it a lot, but isn’t isn’t in great territory for me for whatever reason.