NowSheIsTa... png
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I wanted to do something extra "special" this New Year's. So I did a quick vector of Dolores Umbridge. Ain't our bridge great? She might be a cyclops!
Anyways, once again, I wish all posters and once posters CB, L23, 5050, Archivist, the Lurker, YT-Anon, BO... And other lurkers and stragglers the sometimes posters from /go/, the scattered stragglers from 8/pone/ and /flutter/ whom sometimes stop by and all lurkers in general a Happy New Year's (I know there are lurkers here, I've seen us being talked about elsewhere, if any of y'all want to show yourselves feel free). God bless y'all and may 2025 be better than 2024.
Hmmmmmmm... What else to say? I have a lot of words in almost ready to e uttered. Regardless, I am getting a bit tired and New Year's Day is fast approaching my location in Texas.