> "Dolores... You've reached past a thousand bridges" Cadence said in a tone that was a mix of fear and astonishment.
> Dolores for her part just rolled her eyes. Cadence was a rather... strange pony to put it nicely. Though having a Princess in the /end/, even if she was a weird manic airhead was still a great asset.
> Dolores slowly walked forth to her newest creation. A long bridge of steel, though it was a relatively simple design in the ground scheme of things it still was an achievement that she thought was worth celebrating.
> The more bridges there where, the more angry good old chrisy would be.
> Dolores couldn't help but smirk at the thought.
> "Dolores, isn't this the one thousandth plus one-hundredth and plus fifty-something bridge?"
> Dolores looked back upon Cadence, she stared upon the bridge, her mind no doubt in a spiral on how bad it could get when chrysalis finally tried to bring her hoof to bare against them.
> She could understand the fear, but not the manic obsession and seemly being in a near heart attack over everytime Dolores made a new bridge.
> The changeling queen was a threat, but they weren't defenseless against her, especially with all the bridges built now.
> "Will cross that bridge when we come to it Cadence," Dolores said as she pulled out a bottle of champaign
> "But now we celebrate."
Just me thinking on what the my MSPaint meme Cadence's personality would be like, admitly I didn't get very far but maybe some good ideas could be had from her. Plus I wanted to do a belated celebration on getting past a 1000 post. Though admitly this is nothing more then a shitpost