thumbnail of princess_cadence_vector_by_proenix-d4zzqke.png
thumbnail of princess_cadence_vector_by_proenix-d4zzqke.png
princess_cadence_vect... png
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> "But if Pinkie Pie gave Chrysalis something for her brthday does that me she's friends with her!"

> "Cadence."

> "Collusion! I knew it. Somepony had ta be colluding with somepony else. I didn't expect it to be our dear friend/acquittance/Twilight's Friend neighbor adventurer or something. This is absolutly dreadful!

> "Uh... Cadence?"

> "This all links back to that darned new mayor of ponyville!"

> Dolores didn't follow.

> "Haven't you heard about the Russia bots?"

> "..."

> "It is all just truely dreadful. Well maybe they'll finally impeach Filty Rich and finally put back Hillery Colton in office."

> "...who? Since we do you keep track of Ponyville politics and who is Colton?"

> Cadence looked at Dolores in the eyes. Though her stare was more blank and emotionless if anything. 

> "OH, I must be thinking of the Prime Minister.Silly me, always getting national, regional, and local politucs mixed up."

> Last time Dolores checked, Equestria didn't have a prime minster. Though she'd figure that Cadence was just feeling stressed.

> That's what she always told herself anyway.