Here's a useful thing which is hopefully not a gaping goatse of a security hole or otherwise a problem:


While that host is up, it allows you to get a copy of a YouTube video in 480p to 720p. It gives you an IPFS CID of the requested video file which you should download or watch in some gateway. "&res" on the end = 480p, no "&res" = 720p.

>  > Next post: unposted older post

>  Here-> [post here]

(I wrote that post in 2025-01-27 08:19.)

After verification expired, I'm clicking the "I'm not a robot" checkbox in the quick reply box and nothing is happening... Now trying to post from the non-quick reply thing = endless blue spinning curve circular animation... Brave says this tab is using a whopping 376 MB of RAM as it's not last50... This is the cancer that is killing Endchan. Not trying to be weird or something, but perhaps /go/ post on some other non-janky board like Say no to this idea if you want, I'm open to not trying new/different things.