> I don´t know what could be considered creative but I guess it has helped to express myself a little bit different from other people. 

Perhaps I was affected more by mine on the front of my media consumption and being hyper observant, but that sounds like a good way to word my own as well. 

> Existentialism in terms of feeling suicidal or going through a rough period is way more common than people tend to believe. No one wants to give bad vibes to their close people and simply just smile in order to not make them worry. A sad thing at its core but what other effective solution could be done?

I've seen it myself. Especially bad when someone is the rock that others draw strength from, not to say that every person in such a position is secretly distraught.

> The incorrect view on the things or conflicted part of the system. It doesn´t mean the chan is the devil, it means that it annoys their projects. I´ve heard weird stuff about it but I haven´t lurked /pol/ at all since early 2017. Either way, I believe there could have been DDos attacks in 4chan.

Chan is a modern expression of many fridge cultures and ideas. I suppose since it is fairly large in the grand scheme of things and not moving in lockstept with the rest of the major websites puts it on a lot of groups target lists. From the government intelligence to SJW's. 

> there are interest or paid people/volunteers to do specific shitposts over and over. I don´t mean nor I want to enter the tin foil territory either but it´s certainly true that /pol/ seems to lose their chan part because of an overwhelming and progressive traffic that goes over there. It´s really impossible to follow and tell which ones are just making propaganda or just shitposting. Really hard to tell for me.

Me too. What I have heard is that the most supsceted ones are stuff that almost seems copypasted and relentless without end 24/7 such as some of the race baiting threads. Though it could easily be /b/ logic of regurgitating the same shitposting over and over. Though I remember one anon who was a more rational /pol/ watching saying that he did indeed notice increases in such race baiting derailment at certain times when significant news revelent to /pol/, as in an obscure announcement that relates to one of there conspiracies.