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>>/1199/ > Well, have a 7th position though I expected to be in the podium. I see that since I have joined in 2014, things have been mostly chill or calm after those events. > I will say however that this serious perspective has developed more mature or better defined fanworks. I, personally wouldn´t have written that long text or big thoughts if it wasn´t because the fandom has a lot of negative things to say. Two biggest reasons I personally think other then the fact that the show stopped being memed heavily by trend riders is, one: the fandom matured by that point, and while there was drama after that it didn't carry the same existential "this could be it for the fandom" that happened with things like Derpigate and Twilycorn. And two: are fandom isn't consolidated to social media and scattered into separate but interacting spaces, so say when something happens involving someone on derpibooru, it affects the community there but there will be some who strictly hang out on deviant art or /mlp/ who may not hear about it at all unless it gets real big, and even then would be less personally affected by it. As oppose to seeing it constantly shilled in your face on your social media feeds 24/7. > it could have been worse though I would want a different or more optimistic vibe every now and then. Not that I need it but a change or rest would help for a while in order to put a contrast. I like optimistic. I think it has faded as well, but back in the day I did notice a lot of bitterness in most too an extent over the whole ordeal. Not to say that there wasn't a crowd who was still butthurt by twilycorn or Eqg, but for awhile there it just seemed that ever among happy reddit tier folks there was bitterness over it that sometimes leaked into even a few fan works and such. Not helping were the fact that a few continued to try to stir things up who had been aligned with Pinkie Pony in some parts of the fandom. > And how many SJW are here?The question gets answered by itself. Exactly.