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>>/1219/ > I personally wouldn´t have written that long text or big thoughts if it wasn´t because the fandom has a lot of negative things to say. Yeah but I let my misakes to be there. I felt like making a review of the fandom and its depressive mindset from the inside. Would I write that again? Probably not, but no one in 4chan took those thought seriously, so I decided to make a blogpost that could have ended with a lot of cringe. I cannot remove it but I won´t say that I regret posting those thoughts either. It´s basically me imploding with a certain sense of vicitimism but at the same time, reflective. I could only focus just mostly at the /mlp/ mentality throughout the catalog because that´s the dynamic I know. I am not so expert for the rest, I cannot speak about them because it would be really ignorant from my part. > the fandom matured by that point, and while there was drama after that it didn't carry the same existential "this could be it for the fandom" that happened with things like Derpigate and Twilycorn. yep, I joined too late and the basics for the fandoms were already established. 4 years of life span is a lot for a fresh trend. I didn´t see not even a quarter of the early drama around /mlp/. Just very annoying shitposts and negativity. > it affects the community there but there will be some who strictly hang out on deviant art or /mlp/ who may not hear about it at all unless it gets real big, and even then would be less personally affected by it. As oppose to seeing it constantly shilled in your face on your social media feeds 24/7. Yeah, unless it´s something related to the show or something big like Tooncritic which involves the fandom´s image in general, I rarely see EQD posters and 8channers to put an example being in the same subgroup for those shared events. Hell, even the zombie Ponychan has a different perspective and isolated to themselves to this day. I personally don´t know what´s going on the mainstream social media like Facebook or Tumblr, I only notice three pillars: /mlp/ (and it´s small related chans, 8ch andf this one), Derpi and EQD (which has the MLP forums community). > I like optimistic. I think it has faded as well, but back in the day I did notice a lot of bitterness in most too an extent over the whole ordeal. Bufff, I think I wouldn´t have survived to that. > for awhile there it just seemed that ever among happy reddit tier folks there was bitterness over it that sometimes leaked into even a few fan works and such. Not helping were the fact that a few continued to try to stir things up who had been aligned with Pinkie Pony in some parts of the fandom. That Pinkie Pony event sure put the fandom in a test of pure fire. Two dynamics that sure did make the differences greater than before. I don´t know if 4chan was so obsessed with reddit at that time, but damn they sure show a lot of unhappiness or edgy opinions when something fun arrives.