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> Yep, the Surf and/or Turf posts and your green about Candybat

Yeah I saw. Not much lost that is irreplaceable. It would't be too hard for me to write up more green to  replace whats lost. All the unloadable images are an eyesore though. 

> It would have to be out of the site, so I wouldn´t get my hopes up...

I honestly this site's status as a moderately active backwater chan. Though I suppose we could go set up a privet board on 8, what would be the point? Considering part of endpone's mission is simply to maintain a pony presence at the /end/. I am honestly entertaining setting up a board myself if I find the time somewhere.  Not even necessarily to continue bridgechan but perhaps to experiment for awhile at another far flung part of the net and see if we'd even want to do anything else after such a scenario.  If even that

 See there are plenty of sucky sites to choose from! 

For plan B we could just go meet up at some nearly  abbandoned but still running website.
 Can't believe the ponychan jedi dude visited here