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>>/1285/ > Was Celestia trolling? It almost seems like it. Kind of. It´s pretty ambiguous. > it seems rather odd that Celestia wouldn't know how to act some considering all the ponies she has to put up with as Princess for various political reasons. I know putting up a facade wouldn't necessarily translate 100% to theader but man you'd think she'd be better... she is freaking better, we saw it in the ep. She trolled us. it´s more like she likes to lead the things and prefers for others to act than acting by herself. Does she know how to act? She does. However, she pretended to be bad because while the gesture from Twilight seems to be nice, she didn´t actually wanted to be the protagonist. She prefers staying in the background like she has always done before. She knows how to act, just that her acting is spent on trolling rather than playing a role. > How the heck does this translate to canon. A lot of lines that could be interpreted in various ways. Well yeah, eveything that involves Celestia and the timeline before the Mane 6 is kind of confusing basically because writers didn´t know what to do. Still,it´s nice to see some parts of the Journal placed in the show >>/1286/. > Wasn't a fair bit of that book discredited in the last couple of seasons? I didn´t follow it closely but it seems that some fans discredited it mostly because of random tweets or misconceptions between their interpretations. I honestly don´t know how its position was before this episode. > the timeline is a bit wonky because it is unavoidable to create one out of nowhere even if that makes important plotholes. > Also is she friends with Flur? We don´t what Luna does in Canterlot in her free time, but yeah, she has a bit of social life out there. > Apple Jack sure proving the premise of the Princess Apple Jack threads this episode. Writers confirmed to be lurk and being huge followers of the Princess Applejack. It wouldn´t surprise me if they posted some screencaps from it in their Twitter profiles or mention them in some convention........ it could happen... > Loved Pinkie's antics this episode. Especially the marshmallow! Yeah. For me the best moment from her was buying the illegal fireworks from Trixie. Boy that part was a highlight.