> When someone gets tired of his job
> who would feel alright?
> you have ponies, waiting in that world of Equestria. A magical land that you will never reach
> you desire it with all your will, meeting your waifu, having the awaited experiences with your waifu
> so, what happens when your life is so shit that 22 minutes of your life fill your life?
> feeling the frustration, rushing through your veins, saying fuck you I hate all of you
> so you do about yourself
> you have some fame in comparison to other fans and feel wasted and full of nothing
> only a bottle of whisky, smoking like your life is sucked into the void
> long afternoons, depressed and making reviews about them.Just illusions that you would give up your life in order to live a happier life
> instead,you are just laid down...thinking about how shitty your life is, shitposting about how the show is when you just express your emotion behind the screen
> you ask yourself why you are doing this, why do you love your waifu?
> every day is painful, calling you an autist for desiring pastel colored horses.
> You cannot express your love about them,yet they feel more real than the people who appear in your life. Are we the replicants and ponies are the real humans?
> ethics and metaphysics get combined into an incident that could have gone over the edge...
Rarity,should I love you?