> so, this persona is laying down in the ground in the middle of the night
> tired and not feeling like doing anything, he had to prepare another video. Some plushies surround him, but one of them was special:Rarity.
> he had her in his computer and there were posters about her, he tried to follow her around the room.
> he was considering death, he didn´t feel like doing anything
> he felt alone, he couldn´t say to anybody how much love felt about Rarity.
> a fictional character, why is she receiving real emotions?
> said person grabbed a bottle of whisky and a bunch of cigarretes, he put them at the table
> An American, who also grabbed his pistol
> he was considering the trip to Equestria, following the path of previous fans who also went for it, yet failed miserably
> he was a few steps from death when all of a sudden, Rarity came to life from the PC wallpaper.
> he couldn´t believe that his waifu was talking to him
> "Darling don´t do that, you are not going anywhere with that option" shouted Rarity
> "Sorry Rarity, but you are not real. I am not sober enough to be that stupid. You are just a fucking hologram lady" he said
> "It doesn´t matter, I am here to say that you must go on,I am with you"said Rarity convinced of her actions.
> "Sorry Rarity, but you are just messing around with me. Go away fake lady, go back and leave me alone, fucking whore" he said, despite his thought about loving her.
> He caught the gun and at first, he was decided to point the gun to his head.
> Rarity didn´t know how to react, she needed a temporal solution quickly...
> only a few seconds left for a person who desires to be high and sober to death in order to not feel useless nor meaningless
> "STOP!ENOUGH!" Rarity raged at him and decided to put the things over. The gun was hold by her magic, he was safe of putting his life apart.