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>>/1296/ > This episode made me realize that the Twilicorn shitshow was unnecessary. Mostly because princess hood is viewed as a different line to be a character, so it changes everything and the powerful position implies a different contact, lack of warmth after the celebration and loss of identity because of privileged positions that no one will ever have. I had thoughts like this when it happened to an extent. More so though I was scared that the writers would do that. Not necessarily that I expected to have ta be that way. Even then though the level of drama was way way over the top. Agreed. >>/1297/ > Celestia however, while seemingly being above Twilight and Equestria.....she is not. In fact, she was not a character from the start, but an ARCHETYPE. Yep, a model for Twilight to follow just like Faust wanted. > You cannot say that Celestia has been out of character...because she has not had one despite her apparent deity image. We only knew that she liked to troll and have conflicts with her sister, I mostly agree. Though I would like to add something to that. Many of the other characters were build up to around what little there was around their earlier appearances ended up being molded into what they where later. Celestia never was. She was stuck (and still is to an extent ) to her archetype and image in terms of personality. Too be fair I never regarded her as a goddess. But she was intended to be at least somewhat powerful and competent. Compare how Chrissy was suprised at defeating her in season 2 to her being seemly dragged away by changing drones in season 6. Her undoing Twilight's want it need it spell compared to her some of her more recent appearances where it almost seems to have some trouble with more advanced magic. These implications slowly died as the show continued. As Twilight's studies in magic became a fact about her character rather then an active plotline. And having her being implied powerful became more of a plot inconvenience. Basically the way I see it, unlike the most of the other characters, she suffered from nerfing the other princess had but also never had any of what was implied shown or her roles expanded any (Luna with deep dream dives, Cadence as ruler of the crystal empire.) So she just kind of was reduced to prop. She was only there because she had to be there. They didn't make her be much of a force in Twilight's life as an alicorn. They didn't show doing any secondary royal duties. Her regalness became a prision that prevented her from being ever having any small problems and slice of life stuff with her and so she rotted. I do agree this ep felt very much like a season 2 ep. It was nice to see Celestia in a fun simple situation Note I may expand/reword some of my stuff later when I'm more awake but I think I managed to convey the gist of my thoughts.