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Alright, there is a lot to unpack with this and forgive me if I'm a bit rambly. First off, there is so many ways one could look at this. Horrible cringe would be what a fair bit dismiss it as but it honestly doesn't hold up to intent. (though I really think calling things cringe is way overdone and used with too broad a scope)  It's trying to take seriously something in a way that isn't quite normal wish fulfillment green. I see plenty of greens and even a few fimfictions fics have echoes of these themes but usually wrapped in a bit of a defensive tough and check manner or just as a joke. I'll see even some serious thought but it be clearly counterbalanced by humor. This interests me in that it's serious and unapologetic about it, at least from what I've read. It has a message and it wants it to be taken serious : My Little Pony has played a large part in many of our lives, has even saved lives, been a motivation to keep on living. 

There could be two ways that most look at this: happy and sad. Though for me I actually have a hard time decribing what it makes me feel. It's not even bittersweet. Kind of a state of both happy and a little bit sad, but not in a way that I can describe very well, at least at the moment. Note: I'm not trying to go down the rabbit hole of poststructuralism and saying that happiness and sadness only exist because of their binary opposition to each other, just that this green gives me a interesting feel that I cannot seem to place a hoof on well.  I suppose poststructuralism is more of that + varying levels of power dynamics thought that gives credence to feminism 

Another interesting thing to me is how it was written about somepony else. Especially someone like DWK. Both from the standpoint of how it almost seems a bit odd and how it is something that is serious and that wouldn't be thought about someone who is such a shitposter in such a genuine light. Humanizing him. Usually such people spend so much time even making fun of their pain that I wonder how it would feel to be taken seriously?