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>>/1363/ > Horrible cringe would be what a fair bit dismiss it as but it honestly doesn't hold up to intent. the fic acknowledges it by itself. My version of DWK shows that this situation is surreal and could come from someone who´s really high for writing this. > It's trying to take seriously something in a way that isn't quite normal wish fulfillment green. It isn´t. This is actually experimental in the sense that no one would take these thoughts seriously. Someone would call me an autist for overthinking too much about this but I just simply cannot avoid it. I completely know what I am doing but I feel genuinely scared of posting this, what drove me to post that green and what DWK would actually think if he read this. This is cutting edge, no fics are like this and I haven´t subscribed to DWK´s channel at all, just a lurker of some of his videos (and I don´t follow him too much either) > This interests me in that it's serious and unapologetic about it, at least from what I've read. It has a message and it wants it to be taken serious : My Little Pony has played a large part in many of our lives, has even saved lives, been a motivation to keep on living. I have been showing constant thoughts in these posts on this project. I have failed and looked like a bitter anon in the thread of a personal project but that´s what my brain easily thinks without any effort. Maybe I am so serious about anything that shitposting or making comedy isn´t what fits for me. Nor I am tring to look like a sad person nor I cry for it. I just think randomly and it somehow flows naturally. I always think too much about nothing (explains why I like Surf and/Or Turf, Pony Play, A Health of Information or Princess Twilight Sparkle... I love the context and message behind them). It´s just that I am sharing some of my thoughts on public with the usual techniques from the fandom. MLP has saved lives and at first, I couldn´t believe it. One of the first serious responses or at least I could tell from his style of writing was DWK. It was clearly him despite the Anonymous tag. This happened during the movie month and I don´t want to enter as a history manipulator but I accidentally got some genuine responses from /mlp/ about how the show has reached so much and influenced on their lives, another reason to live. I wish I had the screencaps and I didn´t give much importance to those messages until watching Blade Runner 2049 and indirectly, this /end/ project. Now, I have a medium and the chance to transmit that /mlp/ shows partially, a symptom of these days, bitterness between porn, waifu desires and comfortable stuff compared to an stressful life. I am thinking like an elite without being one but lurking too much makes you analyze how the fandom actually is behind the scenes without knowing them.